Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Lab 7 - Jumping Rope For A Healthy Heart

1. Can a child in a wheel chair enter the front door and the back door? What modifications would you make? 
There is no doubt that a child in a wheel chair could participate in this activity. One modification that could be made in order for this child to participate would be to have the teacher, or even another student, push the child through at the right moment. Another idea would maybe be to have another rope attached to something like the bleachers and then that child can pull him/herself through right when the rope comes down past their nose or front of their face to work on their upper body strength!

2. How would you apply goal setting to this lesson?
In todays lesson, their were many ways in which we could have incorporated goal setting. The first activity that could have incorporated goal setting would have been, Basic Two Foot Jump. You could have asked your students to set a goal for a certain number of jumps to complete consecutively. Same idea with these other exercises we did today in lab; Jump the Shot, Jump the Brook, Vertical Jump, and Enter the Front/Back Door Rapid Fire. If everyone sets a goal for themselves to reach, the more they will get out of the lesson by trying harder to reach their goal!

3. Design a long rope jumping routine for a pair of students jumping at the same time.
One routine that I would design for my class that could be implemented into long jump roping would consists many different locomotor patterns. First, the two students that are jumping would begin hopping on two feet until they got into sync with the rope speed. Then my routine for my students would look something like this ... JUMP-JUMP-HOP(R)-HOP(L)-JUMP(half turn)-JUMP(half turn) ... then repeat from the beginning and see how many cycles they can go through!

4. Create a checklist of critical elements to look for and use in teaching basic, two foot rope jumping. 

5. Describe how you would go about organizing a rope jumping club for your elementary school. 
The first thing I would make clear is to set a goal for the club. What do we want to achieve as a whole group for this club. The goal I would propose to my jump roping club is to become more physically fit through jumping rope. First have all participants do a pre assessment on their health then do a post assessment on the last meeting of the club to see if everyone became more physically fit. I would schedule certain days on which the rope jumping club would meet. The way that I would get my students involved in this club would be to put up flyers around the school for sign ups and attention grabbing information. Such as:

  • Join Homer's Elementary new Rope Jumping Club! 
  • Become more physically fit while having fun at the same time!
  • Each week a new theme will be incorporated. 
  • Firsts weeks theme will be, Jumping for Jolly Ranchers! 
  • Join your favorite P.E. teacher, Mr. Marciniak to jump the day away!
Also, I would let my students know in all of my classes about the new Rope Jumping Club. Try and "sell" the club to my students. 

6. Stimulus Variation - is a various method and technique in order to attract students attention and interests towards teaching and learning process. Students usually get bored easily if the teacher always uses the same method. Example: When a teacher changes his/her teaching style from talks to using models/posters, visual objects the students become more engaged in the learning experience. 


  1. Great post. Stimulus variation is also about giving different tasks to maintain attention like what we did with the ball and the bean bags. Switching the task frequently but yet with similar purpose of enhancing balance or manipulative skills.


  2. A couple of final thoughts. Serious injury can occur if landing on the side of the trampoline or missing the trampoline surface completely. It's recommended that your trampoline be installed with a safety net to prevent this type of injury. Another good piece of advice is to stretch before beginning your trampoline exercises. Like any other physical activity, stretching will improve your performance and lessen the chance of muscular injuries.
